



I've always wanted to challenge what everyone thinks impossible.


I've always wanted to challenge what everyone thinks is impossible.







Please correct the following sentences as a native English speaker would say them. But please make sure these 3 points.

1. Correct the sentences which don't sound natural only.

2. Consider the context in which the conversation is happening.

3. Give me some notes and the reasons why you correct them.


I've always wanted to challenge what everyone thinks impossible.


The sentence is already grammatically correct and makes sense in most contexts. However, a more natural way of phrasing it in certain contexts might be:

  1. In a casual conversation: "I've always wanted to prove that what everyone thinks is impossible can actually be done."
  2. In a more formal setting: "I have always aspired to challenge commonly held beliefs regarding what is possible and demonstrate their fallibility."

Notes: The original sentence sounds a bit too straightforward and might not convey the nuance or depth of the speaker's ambition. The revised versions attempt to capture the speaker's desire to push boundaries and defy limitations, while also sounding more appropriate for the given situation.



  1. カジュアルな会話で使う場合は、「私は常に、誰もが不可能だと思っていることが実際にできると証明したかったです。」と言うとより自然に聞こえます。
  2. よりフォーマルな場面で使う場合は、「私は常に、可能性に関する一般的に受け入れられた信念に挑戦し、その脆弱性を示すことを望んでいました。」と言うとよりふさわしい表現になります。




Could you teach me which is more natural?

  1. I've always wanted to challenge what everyone thinks impossible.
  2. I've always wanted to challenge what everyone thinks is impossible.



Both sentences are grammatically correct and convey the same meaning. However, the second sentence "I've always wanted to challenge what everyone thinks is impossible" is more commonly used and sounds more natural in most contexts.

In general, when talking about people's beliefs or opinions, it's more common in English to use the present tense verb "is" instead of the bare infinitive form "impossible". This is because the present tense verb emphasizes that the belief or opinion is still held by people in the present moment.

Therefore, if you want to sound more natural in English, it's recommended to use "is impossible" instead of "thinks impossible".


両方の文は文法的には正しいですし、同じ意味を伝えますが、一般的に、「I've always wanted to challenge what everyone thinks is impossible」という文がより自然です。


したがって、より自然な英語を話すためには、「thinks impossible」の代わりに「is impossible」を使うことをお勧めします。
